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Autor: Oliver Jeffers.
From the illustrator of the smash hit The Day the Crayons Quit comes a story about wishing, persevering, and reaching for the stars.
Once there was a boy, and that boy loved stars very much. So much so that he decided to catch one of his very own. But how? Waiting for them to grow tired from being up in the sky all night doesn't work. Climbing to the top of the tallest tree? No, not tall enough. The boy has a rocket ship . . . but it is made of paper and doesn't fly well at all. Finally, just when the boy is ready to give up, he learns that sometimes things aren't where, or what, we expect them to be.
Oliver Jeffers offers a simple, childlike tale of reaching for the stars, and emerging with a friend.
how to catch a star
Autor: Oliver Jeffers.
From the illustrator of the smash hit The Day the Crayons Quit comes a story about wishing, persevering, and reaching for the stars.
Once there was a boy, and that boy loved stars very much. So much so that he decided to catch one of his very own. But how? Waiting for them to grow tired from being up in the sky all night doesn't work. Climbing to the top of the tallest tree? No, not tall enough. The boy has a rocket ship . . . but it is made of paper and doesn't fly well at all. Finally, just when the boy is ready to give up, he learns that sometimes things aren't where, or what, we expect them to be.
Oliver Jeffers offers a simple, childlike tale of reaching for the stars, and emerging with a friend.
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